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Thursday 25 November 2010


1 Thessalonians 1:4-5
For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.

Through this scripture we see that sharing the gospel is also accompanied with power, the Holy Spirit and conviction. My desire is to see God move upon people in this way. I believe in my heart; that if we ask God to reveal Himself in this way to people we interact with, that He will. We all need to have full experiences with the Lord that go far beyond just another sermon about the Bible. Experiences that are filled with power, Holy Spirit and conviction. May God reveal Himself to you in a powerful way today!


  1. Sharing the gospel is accompanied with power.

    I am going thru a time that i can't explain but i still trust God
    trust God but i can't pray. Shouldn't i be worried? I don't feel anything.

  2. I am very sorry Tisha, for the late response. I somehow miss most of the comments left on here I suppose I have to find different way to recieve notifications of comments.

    Well, I don't know what you are going through however, I will say don't worry. Just spend more time reading and studying His word (Bible). This is the best time to spend more time in praises and worhsip and by doing that, the Holy Spirit will revive your spirit for a renewed lost joy.

    Dear Father, please renew my sister's joy and revive her spirit with a new song, in Jesus Name I ask, Amen!

    Remain blessed,
