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Saturday 13 November 2010


Psalms 113: 3

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.

When the sun is rising on one end of the earth, it is setting on the other, this is a continual process. Just like the rising and the setting of the sun, praising the Lord needs to be a continual process in our lives. We can do this in many ways; I generally start my day with prayer as soon as I awake. The rest of the day I stay connected to the Lord by listening to Christian music and just keeping my thoughts focused on Him in everything I am doing. I try to include God in all areas of my life. If I sense that there is an area of my life where God just does not seem to fit, for example, the movies I watch or music that plays on the radio, or friendships that do not bring me closer to God, then it is up to me to change these areas. For it is my desire to praise the Lord in and through all that I do, from the rising of the sun until it sets.

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