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Thursday 22 July 2010


Unless there is a thorough explanation of why Jesus poured out His blood for our sins, unbelievers will be confused about the whole statement about the blood of Jesus washes away our sins. This type of "Christian jargon" can only be understood by fellow believers who understand why we are saved from eternal punishment because of the blood that was shed by Christ.

Matthew 26:28
This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

When we are witnessing to unbelievers, I think it is very important that they understand that we are guilty of breaking God's laws - laws which are summed up in the Ten Commandments. Don't steal, lie, commit murder, covet your neighbours spouse, take the Lord's name in vain. We are sentenced to eternal punishment in hell unless Jesus is the Lord of our life because we have ALL broken God's laws. It is very much like being guilty of committing an earthly crime and receiving the death sentence from an earthly judge.

Imagine if you were sentenced to death and someone walked in the court room and said: "Your honour, I'll take the punishment for the wrongs they have done, let them go free."

When Jesus was being beaten and crucified to death, He was taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself so that we would not have to be cast into eternal flames as payment for the sins we have committed. Thus He paid the price for our freedom.

This explanation of being guilty of a crime and having someone else pay the price for us will make a lot more sense to an unbeliever than if we tell them that the blood of Jesus cleanses them from all unrighteousness. If they don't understand why He poured out His blood unto death, the statement will be nonsense to the unbeliever.

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