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Thursday 13 January 2011


John 13:34

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Something to keep in mind today is that Jesus will never leave you and I. Many times in our lives we will experience the pain of being rejected by others, remember Jesus is faithful to always be with us. The pain of rejection is a very strong emotion. One way to overcome rejection is to reach out to others in love!

If you have experienced the pain of rejection by others, turn that pain into love for those around you. Touch everyone with a smile, or a kind word and encourage them to enjoy their day. Everyone experiences difficulty, that’s the way life is, therefore, everyone needs to feel loved. Love one another as Jesus loves you. Jesus is faithful to love you, consider being faithful to love those around you today.


  1. Some people are so difficult to love, however lets just think for once it's not about us it's all about Jesus. lets see people the way Jesus sees them and treat them the way He would treat them in doing so it become easy for us not to be offended, rejected and hurt.

    Everything you and I experience with our friends, family and just people in general, Jesus experienced the same things and even more and still does today. People reject Jesus everyday in their lives but He has never stop loving them and the amazing thing is He never judges them either.

    Jesus is our perfect example and His word says, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

    We can start a new love movement today, what do you think?


  2. I work in a retirement center, and though many of the people there are EASY to love - many of them are NOT. But what a wonderful opportunity to share the love of God - by simply smiling at, touching, and speaking a kind word to even those who seem 'unlovable'. Thanks for these encouraging words.

  3. Thank you Karen, remain blessed!

