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Tuesday 4 January 2011


John 11:27
“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

Yes Lord, I believe you are the Christ! How has this decision affected your life?

I had no idea that when I decided to follow Jesus, so many other lives would be touched by the hand of the Lord through me. It is the truth, He is alive!!! If we truly believe He is the Christ; our lives will point to Him through our thoughts, our words and our actions. When we truly believe, we will live a life that is filled with loving and serving others. Others around us will be able to tell that we love Jesus, because everything about our lives will emanate the love of Christ. When Jesus is truly the Lord of our lives, our desires will change. Things that touch the heart of God will touch our heart. We will find we have the desire to spend time reading the Bible, studying His word, praying and fellowhshipping with other believers.

Is Jesus really the Lord of your life today? Let your actions (Life) reflect your love for Jesus; others are watching you. Be a demonstration of God's love in all you do and say.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Thank God for your willingness to be used of God to touch the life of others out of your relationship with Christ.
